Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Backyard Breeders (BYB)

*Sigh* One of the things that has lately been a thorn in my side is backyard breeders. I find they come in all shapes and sizes, but generally tend to be under employed, overweight, living off the governments teat and overall can be thought of as trailer trash. Not all the time, but as a general rule if you see a picture of one of their animals outside there is a pile of junk somewhere in the picture.

Anyway, backyard breeders do not do real breeders any favors. They snap up purebred animals and start pumping them out like popcorn to sell to the masses.

Case in point, from my favorite BYB stomping ground, the local kijiji listing:

“calinour cattery as angels availables!!!! these angels are raised underfoot are verry friendly and cudly just like litle teddy bears!!! they love to snuggle and are verry clean kittys.they come from championne blood lines!!!please visite my web site at
best viewed whit internet explorer
phone # 1 506 -
kitten comes whit first shoot ,dewormed and a complet vet check up,kitten kit[food ,toys ,blanky etc...]”

Wow….where do you even begin with this train wreck? Spelling maybe? Is this how a professional breeders usually try to sell their kittens…and what a is championne bloodline? Oh well, nice to know they first get “shoot” before going to their new homes. Would that be with a .22 or a shot gun?

Honestly, running this ad through the very simplest spell checker would have caught many of these mistakes.

And this is one of the pictures of the little angels:

Sorry guys, this is NOT a great picture to post to sell you kittens. In all honesty, he looks sick in this pic. Maybe he just had his face in the water bowl, or maybe he's incubating a nasty virus which is causing his eyes and nose to weep. Either way, this it NOT the sort of picture you show people hoping to make yourself look like a responsible breeder.

Sorry, the overall impression of your cattery? Backyard breeder all the way....
