Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Of Chickens and Men

Society is f**ked up. No doubt about it. We live in a time where there are so many laws and regulations that good people are made into criminals and criminals are allowed to walk free to terrorize again. There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

Take the front page headline of my local newspaper today:

(March 12, 2008) A Chicken and Egg Argument: A suburban Halifax family fined $500 and ordered to get rid of their 13 pet chickens.

Now, compare this headline to this one:

(February 7, 2008) Drunk driver fined $700 for car crash that killed friend

Does something seem horribly horribly wrong with a society that does this sort of thing? On the one hand you have a complete fucktard driving with a suspended license while drunk and manages to kill his best friend. He gets fined a meager $700 for the killing of his friend, and another $500 for the suspended license.

Now, let’s look at a decent family who has decided to keep a few chickens in their own backyard;

“Their three children, ages six, eight and nine, play with them. They’ll decorate a few eggs for Easter, but they eat very few, he said. Instead, they give the eggs to friends or to a local church group that uses them for their Sunday breakfasts.”

May no good deed be left unpunished....

Wow…..real hardened criminals there; they really deserve to be hassled by restrictive bylaws that are based on ill informed, outdated legislation. Let’s face it, what is the difference between keeping 10 pet rabbits in your backyard and 10 pet chickens? The bylaw does not mention lamas as an agriculture animal, so they can keep a lama in their backyard but not a few chickens? Oh yeah, let's not forget that they are now being fined $500 for their actions.

What is it about chickens that raising people’s hackles so much? They’re harmless!

This is a great example of a complaining neighbour who has nothing better to do with their time than to stick their nose in someone else’s business and cause trouble. I bet they feel like BIG men/women now. Wow, they made someone else’s life miserable. They brought the law down on these poor people simply because they could. What did the family with the chickens ever do to deserve that? Probably nothing, there are just too many miserable, inconsiderate, intolerant, fucktard people in the world that can think of nothing better to do with their time than to cause grief to others. I bet people like this were school yard bullies too. They have just brought their bullying into the adult world.

I highly doubt that the complaining neighbour will ever read this blog, but if you do, SHAME ON YOU! May the sharp beaks of a thousand chickens descend on your crotch and yank out the hair while your arms are too short to defend yourself.

Rant over

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