Friday, March 14, 2008

The World of Online Creeps

Ok ladies, here is another example of the high caliber men within the online dating community.

Remember the lovely individual a few days ago who started getting after me when I had not emailed him within 24 hours? Well, he’s Baaaaack.

This a very good example of what NOT to look for in a potential date and why it is sooooo important to screen your men before you meet them.

This guy IM’d me. The first words off the keyboard were. “I wish I were 9.5 instead of 4.5 inches”.

Okkkaaaayyyyy….this is immaturity at its best. I mean WTF? Do you really think that you’re going to get brownie points for this behavior? Oh yeah, I forgot, I already rejected you so you don’t have to worry about pissing off a woman who could be a potential date. Not only you messaging me after I’ve already told you I’m not interested, you’re acting like a dick. Deal with it, you were rejected after 2 emails. Grow up, take it like a man and move on to someone else. Oh yeah, and maybe you learned something from the experience? Not likely, you would need to have processing brain power to do that.

As I said, screen your potential dates well before you meet in person. Email for a while to build up a rapport and for goodness sake do not give out personal details in the first few emails/IM’s.

I had another guy IM and the second thing he asked right after “How are you?”, was “Where do you live?”

Now this is totally up to you if you wish to give this out, but I would not suggest it. Also, don’t get caught in the trap of feeling like you have to give out information because they have. If they volunteer where they live then that is their choice, if it is not yours then don’t feel pressured to do the same. He told me the general area of where he lived, but I have a personal policy of not giving out that sort of stuff in the first few correspondences. I politely told him I don’t give out my location to new people when I start chatting with them. Simple, easy, polite and if they don’t like it then they are not the person for you. Respecting your opinion is what it’s all about.

Ok, rant over for the day.

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